
If you are:
A parent or a child looking to be sponsored


Please e-mail with the following information:
a) name of child (full name in e-mail, only first name will be displayed on site)
b) brief description of child (this will be used as a profile on our braillebuddy page to show off your kiddo to the world and future sponsors)
c) attach a photo of your child
d) parent's contact information (name, e-mail, phone number)
e) full address where the sponsored device can be sent (will only be used internally and only information displayed on our site will be the country of your location)

Once we receive your e-mail, we will add the child's profile onto our braillebuddy program page and match you with a braillebuddy sponsor as soon as possible!

Please note that the sponsor may wish to remain anonymous or they may provide us with their contact information. In the latter case, it is completely up to you if you'd like to send a personal thank you note to your child's new braillebuddy sponsor!